Huska Happenings


Music—Mon & Tues

Gym—Mon. & Wed .(need tennis shoes)





Text Box: Upcoming:
Please have  your child dress for the weather
Baggy book reading days next week —  Mon, Thurs, Friday—Please have your child read and return their baggy books to build up their reading skills!

This week: Nov. 12-15 2024


Stories: Nell’s Books; “Kids Can Help”, “Thump Thump Helps out”

Skills: character, setting, events, common and proper nouns, closed syllables, digraphs—sh, th,-ng

Math: addition strategies to 20

Skills: using strategies that work best for us; fingers, number line, touch points, pictures, counters, brain, relating addition and subtraction

Science: plant super powers, Stem with Mrs. Gosse

Social Studies: American People

Need: Clorox Wipes

Upcoming Spelling Words: whip, whale, catch, match, chin, graph, shop, with

upcoming sight words: around, by, many, place, walk